Summer 2021 exams to be delayed by three weeks

Assessment arrangements announced (GCSE, AS/A level, and Vocational Qualifications) 25/02/2021


The UK Government has today outlined its plan for how students doing GCSE, AS/A level, and Vocational Qualifications will receive their grades this summer. You can read the Education Secretary’s full statement here.

The key points from the announcement:

  • Teachers will be able to draw on a range of evidence when determining GCSE, AS/A level grades, including the optional use of questions provided by exam boards, as well as mock exams, coursework, or other work completed as part of a pupil’s course, such as essays or in-class tests.
  • Teachers will receive guidance and optional groups of GCSE, AS/A level questions from exam boards to support them in determining grades
  • Teachers will submit grades to exam boards by 18 June, allowing as much teaching time as possible before teachers make their assessments.
  • To support teachers in making their judgements, exam boards will provide detailed guidance before the end of the spring term.
  • Students studying vocational qualifications that are often taught alongside GCSEs and A levels on one or two year courses, will also receive grades assessed by teachers rather than sitting exams.
  • Exams and assessments will continue in VQs where they are needed for students to demonstrate the necessary professional standard in an occupation.
  • Results days for GCSE, A level and some vocational qualifications will take place in the week of 9 August  
  • Students should continue to work on their non-exam assessment (NEA). NEA will be marked by teachers and will contribute to the overall grade, whether or not it has been completed. Ofqual has confirmed that exam boards will not be moderating NEA.

For information on the assessment route for our Vocational and ‘Other General’ qualifications (non GCE/GCSE) – please see our ‘Vocational and Other General Qualifications Assessment Guide.’ 

Our teams continue to be on-hand to provide support and guidance to teachers and lecturers, and we will share further information and updates on our website and social media as soon as possible.

Summer 2021 exams to be delayed by three weeks
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