Ofqual’s consultation on the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other qualifications.

Coronavirus update: Ofqual's consultation on the assessment and grading of vocational and technical qualifications

Today, Ofqual has announced the findings of its consultation for the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other qualifications following the cancellation of the summer assessments due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ofqual has confirmed the following:

  • for qualifications primarily used for progression to further or higher education, in line with government policy, and like for GCSE, AS and A levels, where possible, learners should receive calculated results for these qualifications
  • for qualifications which are primarily used to signal occupational competence, awarding organisations will adapt the assessment or delivery model so that assessments can be completed under the current public health restrictions
  • for qualifications with a mixed purpose candidates may receive either a calculated grade or be awarded a qualification based on an adapted assessment. Awarding organisations will need to make a decision based on the qualification’s principal purpose and the approach most appropriate to deliver a valid result
  • the grounds upon which centres and/or candidates may appeal their grades.

The full report is available from the Ofqual website.

We will work with our centres to ensure we award qualification grades in accordance with Ofqual's decisions.

The following vocational qualifications will be awarded on the basis of centre assessment grades:

  • Entry Level Certificates
  • Level 1/2 Vocational Awards and Certificates 
  • Level 1 and Level 2 Certificates in Latin 
  • Level 2 Certificate in Additional Maths 
  • Level 2 Health and Social Care: Principles and Contexts
  • Level 3 Applied Certificates and Diplomas 
  • Pathways Iaith Ar Waith and Work Welsh 
  • Language Units

Comprehensive guidance for teachers to accurately complete their centre assessment grades is available from our Secure Website.

We appreciate your continued patience and understanding during these challenging times. Our teams remain committed to supporting you and your learners, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our teams.

Coronavirus update: Ofqual's consultation on grading of general qualifications
Coronavirus update: Ofqual's consultation on grading of general qualifications
Coronavirus update: JCQ guidance
Coronavirus update: Centre assessment grades