Criminology and Social Sciences with Eduqas - why you should expand your provision

Criminology and Social Sciences with Eduqas - why you should expand your provision

Social Sciences qualifications are consistently among the most popular with learners post-16 and beyond in the UK, ranking in the top 3 subject areas for HE study according to recent Department of Education figures.  

Qualifications in subjects such as Criminology, Law, Psychology and Sociology have the potential to empower learners to become informed, empathetic, and responsible citizens, capable of navigating an increasingly complex world.  

The study of Social Sciences also encourages learners to develop vital transferrable skills and critical thinking abilities that they can apply to further study and employment.  

With this in mind, there’s never been a better time for centres to expand and enhance their Social Sciences provision with post-16 qualifications with Eduqas. 


Social Sciences with Eduqas 

Our Social Sciences Subject Officers explain how learners can benefit from studying their qualifications: 

Claire Grainger 

> Level 3 Criminology

> AS/A Level Law

Level 3 Criminology

“Eduqas Criminology explores the multifaceted realm of crime and its impact on society. Through this qualification, learners explore various aspects including theories of crime, the criminal justice system, and the causes of criminal behaviour. They examine real-world case studies and analyse crime statistics, fostering critical thinking and research skills.  

Studying Criminology equips learners with a profound understanding of criminality, enhancing their awareness of societal issues and their ability to contribute positively to their communities. It offers practical insights into potential career paths within law enforcement, social work, or legal professions.  

By engaging with contemporary debates and ethical dilemmas, learners develop empathy and a sense of social responsibility, making Criminology a valuable asset for personal growth and professional development.” 

AS/A Level Law

“Eduqas AS/A Level Law offers students an engaging exploration of legal systems, principles, and case studies. Learners delve into topics such as criminal and civil law, human rights, and legal theory, gaining a profound understanding of the UK's legal framework.  

This qualification fosters critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to construct coherent arguments – invaluable assets for any career path. Studying Eduqas AS/A Level Law equips students with a comprehensive understanding of the law's role in society, empowering them to navigate complex legal issues with confidence.  

It’s a subject that cultivates skills highly sought after in various professions, including law, politics, business, and beyond. Through interactive learning experiences and real-world case studies, students develop a profound appreciation for the rule of law and its impact on individuals and society.” 

Rhiannon Murray 

> AS/A Level Psychology


AS/A Level Psychology

“Studying AS/A Level Psychology with Eduqas allows learners to understand Psychology by actually doing Psychology! After gaining insight into the various approaches that Psychology has moved through in Component 1, Component 2 allows learners to gain research skills that will ready them for completing two Personal Investigations. The real-life insight into research methods the two personal investigations offer is invaluable.  

Component 3 Section A allows teachers flexibility and choice in deciding which three applications they choose to study and which biological, individual differences and social psychological explanations they want to deliver.  

In Section B, learners get to examine five key debates within psychology, bringing together information studied from across the three components. All components are supported by free online blended learning resources, written by experienced teachers of the specification.”

Emma Edwards 

> AS/A Level Sociology 


AS/A Level Sociology 

“Studying Eduqas AS/A Level Sociology provides learners with a firm foundation in sociological theory, concepts, debates and research and provides the opportunity to study a range of topics.

Components 1 and 3 allow for the study of compulsory core areas such as cultural transmission and social inequality, in addition to providing choice and flexibility regarding other topics studied, so the course content can be tailored to the needs, interests and expertise within teaching centres.

Component 2 includes applied research methods which gives learners the opportunity to design a research project in a given context, providing an insight into the research process. Studying our Eduqas Sociology AS/A Level will enable learners to engage with the social world around them whilst developing sociological awareness and an understanding of contemporary social issues.”

Why choose Eduqas? 

Choose Eduqas for Social Sciences and you’ll also benefit from: 

  • Reliable, accessible assessment 
  • Easy access to specialist subject support 
  • Free high-quality online teaching resources 
  • Expert-led training opportunities 

> Register your interest in teaching Social Sciences qualifications with Eduqas 

> Book an informal online chat to discuss Social Science with Eduqas