Head of Centre update: Historical error in Review of Marking procedures
Please see below a communication recently issued by our Executive Director of Qualifications & Assessment to Heads of Centres regarding an historical error in our Review of Marking procedures:
Dear Head of Centre,
We regret to inform you that we have identified a historical error in our Review of Marking (RoM) procedures for several of our GCSE, A level and vocational qualifications.
During a recent system upgrade, we found that reviews requested between June 2019 and June 2023 had, in some cases, been incorrectly allocated to reviewers who had been involved in marking part of the original script. During our investigations, we also found a small number of reviews in 2017 and 2018 were similarly impacted.
We have identified that a total of XX reviews were affected for your centre. Please accept our apologies for this error.
Independent reviewers have undertaken a full review of every affected script from the Summer 2023 series. The number of students whose grade was impacted by the error was extremely low. We have already contacted centres where a learner’s grade was affected and will correct their grade.
We do not have access to scripts from series prior to Summer 2023 and we were not therefore able to undertake any re-review activity for this period. Taking this into account, and to mitigate any impact from this incident, we can confirm that we will be issuing credit notes for all reviews of marking affected by this error, and any related other post results services, to your centre. We will issue credit notes to you by no later than 20th December 2024. The total value of credit notes for your centre is XX.
We can reassure you that we have undertaken a thorough review of our processes to ensure that such an incident does not happen again in the future. Additional safeguards were also put in place ahead of the November 2023, January 2024 and June 2024 exam series, all of which have proven to be effective.
Our teams continue to be on hand to support you. If you would like further information or guidance on this issue, please do contact us via PRS@wjec.co.uk or via 029 2240 4306.
Yours sincerely
Richard Harry
Executive Director of Qualifications and Assessment