Ofqual's consultation for the awarding of GCSE, AS and A level qualifications

Make Your Mark – Become an Examiner

If you work in a centre that is delivering our qualifications or are interested in marking our qualifications, apply today and join our team of over 5,000 examiners.

Benefits to you
By becoming an examiner, you will benefit from a raft of opportunities, including:

  • Comprehensive personal and professional support
  • Competitive pay package
  • Extra insight into the assessment of your subject
  • Knowledge to bring back to the classroom
  • Flexible work patterns

Our English Examiner, Melanie Mears spoke of her experience as an examiner: "Marking a wide range of responses helped me develop an excellent understanding of the assessment criteria; improved my own teaching and gave me the opportunity to work with a great team of professionals. I highly recommend it!"

Benefits to your centre
If you are a headteacher, having your teachers examine offers a wealth of benefits to your centre, including:

  • Positive impact on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment across your centre and can improve the progress pupils make
  • Improvements in assessment and moderation processes
  • More reliability to internal data including predictions
  • Improves the quality of feedback given to pupils
  • Encourages collaboration between departments
  • Allows collaboration between schools
  • Demonstrates the importance of Professional Development for staff

Apply today
Whilst many teachers decide to apply during the spring term, we take applications to join our team of examiners and moderators from the autumn. We encourage teachers to apply now to ensure they are allocated papers for the summer assessment series.

To become an examiner with us, you must have at least three terms’ teaching experience of the relevant qualification you would like to examine. Our full criteria is outlined on our website, along with the online application portal www.wjec.co.uk/MakeYourMark

Further information:
If you have any further questions, please contact our dedicated Examiners and Moderators Team:
029 2026 5000