Meet the Rep: Catherine Oldham
Subject Specialisms: English Language (GCSE), English Literature (GCSE), English Language (AL), English Literature (AL), English Language & Literature (AL)
Eduqas Regional Support Team English specialist Catherine Oldham explains her role and shares what she believes makes Eduqas special:
“Before I started at Eduqas I was Head of English at a 6th Form College teaching both A Level and GCSE.
I also spent some time as a Subject Officer at another large exam board, and throughout my teaching career, I have been an examiner with various exam boards.
I continue to be an Examiner and Team Leader for Eduqas too – and we’re always on the lookout for more Examiners, so do apply if you’re interested in joining the team!
My role as an Eduqas Regional Rep involves supporting teachers in delivering our qualifications both online and in-person.
This includes introducing new centres to our specifications and supporting them in getting to grips with our resources and assessment, as well as working with existing centres to make sure they have all the tools and knowledge they need to teach with confidence.
On a typical day I’ll meet with two or three centres, either in-person or over Teams, and as the English specialist in the Regional Team, most days after school I will be running a support session for an English Department.
I really enjoy the variety of schools and colleges I visit, and being able to support teachers in delivering our qualifications in a way that meets the needs of their different groups of learners.
The most fulfilling part of the role for me is when teachers say that my support sessions have helped them in preparing their students, and that they can see definite improvements in results. I am happy to have the opportunity to play a small part in impacting those students in a positive manner, albeit indirectly.
If I had to sum up what makes Eduqas special, I think it’s our focus on giving learners the opportunity to show what they can do - our assessments put accessibility first and foremost. I’d also say that both our subject specialists and my colleagues in the Regional Support Team are very knowledgeable and able to provide specific and detailed advice tailored to the individual teacher. Ultimately, everyone working here really cares, and wants every learner to get the right result.”