Summer 2022: Adaptations to GCSE and AS/A level qualifications

Summer 2023: NEA Guidance

We are committed to providing support and guidance to schools and colleges delivering our assessments, and would like to draw attention to the authentication requirements of our Non-Examination Assessments (NEA).

The guidance below is provided to help our schools and colleges follow the correct procedures to ensure that students’ work is authentic, enabling them to receive their grades in the summer.

Submission of NEA

The deadlines for NEA submission are during May for most qualifications, and we recommend you review these dates in the Internal Assessment Manual: A guide for Centres.

NEA and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

To support schools and colleges in the use of AI in assessments, JCQ has produced the following guide, which outlines the steps which should be taken to protect the integrity of the qualifications. The guide is available here.

Authentication of NEA

To ensure that the work of your students is authentic, the following actions should be taken:

  • Students must sign a declaration (physical or digital) stating that the work they submit is their own, unaided work.
  • Teachers/lecturers must also sign a declaration (physical or digital) of authentication after the work has been completed confirming that:
    • the work is solely that of the student concerned,
    • the work was completed under the required conditions as outlined in the specification.

Request for sample NEA

In instances where students work is requested as part of a sampling exercise, the signed declarations must be submitted with the NEA work itself.

All other declarations must also be signed and kept on file in the school/college so that they can be provided if required. This is a JCQ requirement as noted in Instructions for Conducting NEA 2023 Non-Examination Assessments - JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications.

Administration failures 

Failure to comply with the above requirement could results in a malpractice investigation resulting in the school/college or staff receiving a sanction. Students could also receive zero marks in their assessment as it has not been authenticated. If you have concerns about the authenticity of a student’s work prior to signing the declaration the school/college should investigate and act accordingly.

Support and guidance

If you require any support or guidance on the submission of NEA, please contact,, or or telephone 029 2026 5000.