Awarding qualifications for summer 2021 in Wales

VQ Update: January 2022 assessments

Further to the announcement of ‘Plan B’ by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on 8 December, the Secretary of State has written to all schools and colleges in England, with the following information regarding January exams:

“There are exams for vocational and technical qualifications timetabled for January. Students who are due to sit these exams will be prepared and it is right that they should be given every opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt. Exams and formal assessments will go ahead. Consequently, it is essential that students continue to prepare for these assessments.”

The additional January series for our Level 1/2 Vocational Awards, and Level 3 Applied Certificate and Diploma qualifications is one of the adaptations introduced for our vocational and other general qualifications in 2021/22. It provides students who are ready for assessment with an opportunity to sit these prior to our normal summer series. We would like to remind centres that students who are entered for assessments in January 2022 but are unable to complete these, cannot be awarded Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs). Students will be able to enter and complete their assessments in summer 2022.

Further information on the range of adaptations to assessment for 2021/22 can be here.

We appreciate that these are uncertain times and draw centre’s attention to the JCQ Guide to the special consideration process for general and vocational qualifications should candidates be disadvantaged or absent for an examination and meet the eligibility criteria for special consideration: Guide_to_spec_con_process_2021_FINAL.pdf (

Our teams are on hand to support you should you have queries about the January 2022 exam series. Key contacts are available here.