• - Assessment Feedback Package 2024-25

Assessment Feedback Package 2024-25

Our new Assessment Feedback Package for 2024-25 is an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how assessments are marked or moderated.


This integrated suite of resources and training brings together free access to Principal Examiner reports, marked scripts, and online assessment feedback sessions, as well as a range of optional paid face-to-face training events. 


Learn more about how you - and your learners - can benefit from our Assessment Feedback Package:

Eduqas provides free access to Principal Examiner reports from results day onwards from your qualification page.

An Executive Summary, written by the WJEC Eduqas Subject Officer, which highlights the main strengths of performance and areas for improvement will be available on Results Day.

The full Principal Examiners' reports, written by the Principal Examiner or Moderator for each component, which contains all the information included in the interim report plus a detailed report on every component  will be available on 30th September.

They provide valuable insights that you can use to inform future teaching and learning, including:

  • a detailed look at each part of the assessment, and the skills/knowledge evaluated.
  • examples of areas where learners performed particularly well, and the characteristics of successful responses.
  • examples of areas that learners found particularly challenging, and possible reasons for this.
  • potential pitfalls for future learners, and strategies to avoid them.
  • suggestions on how to improve your learners’ performance in future assessments.

We also recommend sharing our Principal Examiner reports with learners as a revision tool.

The Principal Examiners’ report provides the focus of the content for our free online exam feedback professional learning events. 

Our free, online assessment feedback sessions will help you get the most out of our Principal Examiner reports.

Each subject expert-led session will:

  • provide an in-depth look at key points from our Principal Examiner reports.
  • explore examples of marked assessments.
  • highlight areas for improvement, and characteristics of successful responses.
  • suggest strategies to improve learner outcomes in future assessments.
  • allow you to ask questions directly to our subject experts.

These valuable insights will allow you to better prepare future learners for success.

> Search for free online assessment feedback sessions for your subject

Our range of paid face-to-face events are an opportunity to further enhance your teaching skills and knowledge.

Each full-day event is delivered by a subject or teaching expert and takes place in a central location as near as possible to transport links.

Our programme of face-to-face events covers a wide range of topics including:

  • an in-depth focus on subject specifications and approaches to teaching them.
  • understanding assessment criteria, learning outcomes and applying mark schemes.
  • approaches to enhancing your teaching and learning for better learner outcomes.
  • practical ideas and resources for the classroom.
  • key issues affecting teachers and learners.

Our face-to-face events are also a valuable opportunity to meet fellow teaching professionals and expand your network.

> Search for face-to-face training events for your subject


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Our full-day face-to-face training events are priced at £210 per delegate, invoiced to you or your centre as applicable. We are unable to accept payment online or by credit card. For full details, see our Booking Information page.

Eduqas teachers also benefit from access to free marked exam scripts from the Summer 2023 assessment series.

Your learners' scripts will be available to download from our Secure Website from results day onwards, allowing you to:

  • find out how your learners performed in specific areas of assessment.
  • better understand how examiners apply mark schemes.
  • gain insights through the comments of our trained examiners.
  • identify areas where learners need additional support for future assessments.

As with our Principal Examiner Reports, we recommend sharing marked scripts with learners as a teaching and revision tool.

> Learn more about Free Access to Scripts

Exemplars from the previous series will be made available on Portal following the online feedback events.

From 2024 onwards, exemplar materials for exams located on WJEC Eduqas Portal will replace our online exam review OER materials. Previous year’s OER will remain on the OER Website.