e-submission. Upload of work for moderation or assessment

E-Submission is the process of submitting candidates' work in an electronic format for moderation or assessment. We use IAMIS (our Internal Assessment Mark Input System) for upload of internally assessed work and Surpass for the upload of externally assessed work.

Centre personnel responsible for electronic submission of NEA marks will require access to IAMIS, which is now via the new Portal login(All services > Examinations and Assessment > Internal Assessment/Marks Outcomes).

To find out which system your subject uses please refer to your subject page or the subject guides below.

> E-Submission (IAMIS upload) - Subject Guide - for internally assessed work

> E-Submission Process (Surpass) - Subject Guide - for externally assessed work

  • IAMIS Upload
  • Surpass

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigate to the screen where you input candidate outcomes for each unit/component entry (Portal > All services > Examinations and Assessment > Internal Assessment/Marks Outcomes). 

On the input screen, where candidate marks have been entered and samples generated, navigate to the far right column titled ‘upload’ the cloud icon appears, centres must click the button and upload work for every sample candidate .

 A black cloud with a white arrow up

Description automatically generated 

To ensure candidate work can successfully be uploaded, centres must ensure that files are prepared in the correct manner (as specified in the  IAMIS Upload Guide in the contents page click designated subject) prior to uploading: 

Each subject may have subject specific requirements which include:  

  • Accepted files types 
  • The number of files accepted 
  • Maximum upload sizes 

You must organise files on your own device based on the guidance given and then place all files into folders and zip the individual candidate folders for upload – once zipped please check the file size (maximum 1GB)  

Centres should not be uploading excessive amounts of files at upload stage. Too many files directly impact moderator screens and downloads. If WJEC deem the screen un-useable for moderators you will be asked to remove files and upload again correctly, following the guidance issued. 

IAMIS upload has two ways of uploading files.   

Most subjects require individual candidate files to be uploaded to the system.  You will know if a subject is individual upload as the upload button shows on input screens next to every candidate. 

Some subjects require an Admin or Group upload.  This is a new feature for IAMIS from 2025 onward.  You will know if a subject is Group / Admin upload as the upload button shows at the top right side of the input screen next to ‘options.’ 

You must refer to the subject guidance prior to upload IAMIS Upload Guide

For most subjects guidance states that one zipped file is accepted per candidate / Admin upload.  Where files are stored on centre device, they should be put in folders (where required), zipped and then uploaded. 

Centres should not be uploading excessive amounts of files at upload stage.  Too many files directly impacts moderator screens and downloads.  If WJEC deem the screen un-useable for moderators you will be asked to remove files and upload again correctly follow the guidance issued. 

Centres should pre-plan and store work electronically where possible.  If hard copy work has been completed then time should be set aside to scan all hard copy work prior to input and submission of outcomes on IAMIS.  Centres should not wait for samples to be generated and then scan work, all work should be readily available for upload if requests are made for further samples to be uploaded. 

Centres must ensure when scanning evidence all pages of work, candidate authentication sheets and/or cover sheets are scanned in chronological order and are scanned the correct way round.

Although IAMIS upload can accept most file types, guidance from subject to subject may differ due to the type of evidence and work that is required for moderation.   

Centres must refer to the IAMIS Upload Guide (in the contents page click designated subject) for information on expected file types per subject.

Yes, the maximum file size is 1GB. Large files will take time to upload, please upload one file at a time and do not navigate away from the page until the file name displays onscreen. We recommend files uploaded should be below 600MB.  

Centres may refer to the  IAMIS Upload Guide(in the contents page click designated subject) for any specific guidance on naming convention per subject. 

Centres must ensure files are saved with a naming format that clearly identifies centre number, candidate number/name.  

Please note, do not use any ‘special characters’ when saving work. 

Open the file, Save As, and save as a new file with different name and upload  


place the file in zip folder and upload  


Copy the file to another location (for example a desktop) and trying to upload from there.  


This should rewrite the file attributes to something that is compatible and allow upload.

If the file you are trying to upload is in a folder within another folder this can sometimes make the name of the file too long as it also includes the file destination path which then prevents upload.

Rather than uploading individual image files, add images to a Word document and use Word to compress the images. 

Large files will take time to upload, please upload one file at a time and do not navigate away from the page until the file name displays onscreen. We recommend files uploaded should be below 600MB. 

These files may take longer to upload per candidate depending on the file size – ensure the progress bar is loading and wait until it reaches 100% before navigating away from the screen. 

Large files will take time to upload, please upload one file at a time and do not navigate away from the page until the file name displays onscreen. We recommend files uploaded should be below 600MB. 

N.B. If video files are being resized and compressed to enable quicker upload please be aware that video evidence is for moderation purposes only therefore, a reduction in quality from the original is accepted. 

Centres are able to delete files themselves after submission of marks and upload of samples up to the deadline of submission date. 

On the far right of a file that has been uploaded there is an X that the centre can click to remove the file. 

Once the deadline date for submission of outcomes and samples has passed, centres will no longer be able to delete files that have been uploaded incorrectly.  

If a centres whole cohort of files have been uploaded incorrectly (i.e. files that have been uploaded against the wrong subject or unit for all candidates) please email relevant series delivery team to request a file deletion. The request must clearly identify:  

  • Centre number 
  • Unit/qualification code/number 
  • List all files names where deletion is required  

If the centre have a small number of files that have been incorrectly uploaded these cannot be deleted. Centres must instead continue to the IAMIS screen and upload an additional file to that candidate and clearly name the file as (NEW/CORRECT VERSION). 

The upload button will have disappeared if the submission deadline has passed and 8 weeks have past since the date of submission. 

WJEC need to reactivate the upload button.  Please email relevant series delivery team to request a file deletion. The request must clearly identify:  

  • Centre number 
  • Unit /qualification code / number

The moderator should have clearly identified the second sample via the IAMIS screens, therefore, when centres navigate to the unit/component screen they should see any additional candidates identified under the ‘samples’ column with a tickbox. 

If a moderator has not yet identified the second sample on the IAMIS screen, the input screen will automatically navigate to the ‘samples’ view only which shows the original sample. 

Centres must contact the WJEC subject team in order for them to remind the moderator to select additional samples on the system. 

For general guidance on the upload process please use our FAQ tool in the bottom right of the screen. If you still require help you can contact the team by:

e-mail: e-submission@eduqas.co.uk

Telephone: 02922 404 310