Join our Development Advisory Groups
We’re looking for individuals to join our Technical Qualification (TQ) Development Advisory Groups to advise, inform and challenge us as we move through the qualification development process.
Our Development Advisory Groups will:
- Consider and discuss the feedback from our consultation activity and the recent review of qualification content completed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and the Department for Education (DfE)
- consider and advise on our proposals for change
- test our vision, by being a critical but supportive friend to ensure that the qualification will meet stakeholder expectations
- advise on any potential barriers in proposed content or qualification design which would impede our commitment to complying with diversity and equality legislation and requirements
- validate the content of the qualification as meeting the needs of users of the qualification, including employers, providers, learners, and higher education
Who are we looking for?
- education practitioners and senior leaders; we’re looking for individuals who have experience of delivering the current TQ in Building Services Engineering as well as individuals who intend to deliver for the first time from September 2025
- employers and industry stakeholders
- higher education practitioners
- other organisations with an interest in the qualification
What will you be asked to do?
- Attend (remote) meetings and provide the voice of your sector
- Consider proposed changes to the qualification (content and specimen assessments) and advise on fitness for purpose
- Provide feedback in writing and verbally
- Validate the content of the qualification ahead of each submission to IfATE
- Contribute with a solutions mindset.
How to apply
Register your interest in joining our Qualification Development Advisory Groups by emailing us on tlevels@eduqas.co.uk. Tell us a little about you and your background. If you are currently teaching the qualification, it would be helpful if you could provide us with your centre name and/or location.
For further information, please contact tlevels@eduqas.co.uk.