To make sure you are fully prepared for your exams and assessments, here are some important points you need to know and remember:
- Be on time! If you are late, your work may not be accepted
- Listen carefully to the instructions given by the invigilator
- Mobile phones and other electronic devices must not be taken into the examination room. This includes within any non-exam / controlled assessments you do
- No watches, including smart watches to be worn or taken into the examination room. This includes within any non-exam / controlled assessments you do
- Don't talk or try to disturb other candidates once the exam has started
- Don't leave the exam room until you have been given permission to do so
There is no doubt that social media can be a great tool to help you revise and get prepared for your exams – but please stay within the rules.
- Be responsible – take extra care when discussing exams and assessments on social media, if you’re in any doubt about what you can discuss or share - always check with your teacher.
- Be alert – if you come across assessment related material on social media, you must inform your teacher. The matter will then be reported and investigated.
- Be aware – make sure you know what constitutes malpractice and take the time to get to know the rules. Read this guide for ‘Using social media and examinations’
Make sure you read Information for Candidates for all the guidance you need.
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